Sunday, July 15, 2007

Recent Movies from the film festival

Bunny Chow
  • 4 friends (practicing comedians) hang out in Jo berg, perform the thing, attend a rock concert.
  • very nicely written, with some real surreal touches
  • Funny moments - The bar owner and his wife, buying drugs on the street, the pool party, the car trip in the old merc.
Expiration date
  • the story - the main characters are preoccupied by imminent death, by milk cart or by cancer. The usual understanding and misunderstanding and happy ending
  • who knew dairy products delivery could be this dangerous
  • the story takes a little while to get going but it is nicely written
  • Moments to remember - the coffee shop and coffee making, the mother - "are you naked", the flower shop

  • A movie about superheroes
  • Set in the world of comic book nerds and office jobs. One day his wish comes true when he discovers that obnoxious office jock has REAL super-powers. ‘With power comes responsibility’ never rang so true. Sweet, funny and at times scary, Sidekick surpasses many of its adversaries made with ten times the budget. It is fun and thoughtful.
  • While the plot is great and overall the film works, the acting and the script do need work. Looked at more closely.

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