Tuesday, July 24, 2007

More recent Films


Over a weekend scenes from the director’s life are performed. The lead role visits different rooms encountering five actresses who all portray key women in the director’s life. They rehearse the boy to play the lead role in an as yet ‘unmade film’. The dying director watches young boy’s progress as he searches to inhabit the director’s identity.

It is bazaar tale, told unusually and creatively. It took me a day to figure it out after having seen the film. It is great to see something that does not follow the usual formula and the plot is cool. Just not sure how good the execution and the acting where. Was the lead character just acting badly or phenomenally well?

Overall it was enlightening to be introduced to the approach and the film

Puffy Chair

A sophisticate scrip which expert observation of people and relationships, underlaided by some real family loving acts and kindness. We can all relate.

From the start you worry about the relationship which seems to be clearly headed for trouble. It is not clear why they are really together and this is explored by the characters as they travel to take the chair to their father for his birthday. In the end the chair doesn't matter as so many things don't and what we all know in the first 5 minutes they know by the end.

This really well written, filmed and acted. Just a great ever day story told.

Monkey Warfare

We have all felt angry, and we have all wanted to blow the world up to create change when we where young from time to time. When something seems so wrong.

The story is of 2 maturing rebells and a youth, a story of middle age, of settling, of acceptance and the struggle against it. Youth teaches the old, or reminds the old.

In the end the pointlessness is understood

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