Sunday, July 29, 2007


DYEP –Dry your eyes princess

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Banana Pancakes for today

Can't you see that it's just rainin'
There ain't no need to go outside

But baby, you hardly even notice
When I try to show you
this song It's meant to keep you
From doin' what you're supposed to
Like wakin' up too early
Maybe we could sleep in
I'll make you banana pancakes
Pretend like it's the weekend now

And we could pretend it all the time
Can't you see that it's just rainin'
There ain't no need to go outside

But just maybe, like an ukulele
Mama made a baby
I really don't mind to practice
Because you're my little lady
Lady, lady love me
Because I love to lay here lazy
We could close the curtains
Pretend like there's no world outside
And we could pretend that all the time

Can't you see that it's just raining
There ain't no need to go outside

Ain't no need, ain't no need
Can't you see, can't you see

Rain all day and I don't mind

The telephone singing, ringing, it's too early
Don't pick it up
We don't need to
We got everything we need right here
And everything we need is enough
It's just so easy
When the whole world fits inside of your arms

Do we really need to pay attention to the alarm
Wake up slow, wake up slow

But baby, you hardly even notice
When I try to show you this song
It's meant to keep you
From doin' what your supposed to
Like wakin' up too early
Maybe we could sleep in
I'll make you banana pancakes
Pretend like it's the weekend now
And we could pretend it all the time

Can't you see that it's just rainin'
There ain't no need to go outside

Ain't no need, ain't no need
Rain all day and I really, really, really don't mind
Can't you see, can't you see

We've got to wake up slow

The house of my soul.....

The house of my soul is too small for you to enter:
make it more spacious by your coming.
It lies in ruins: rebuild it.
Some things that are to be found there which will offend your gaze;
I confess this to be so and know it well.

St. Augustine
The Confessions


Australia: First Impressions part 4

  • The metric system does not include babies (birth weight in lbs only please) and TV's (in inches)
  • Look, Look this is really important, look there are differences and that is it, look, the word look is very important to help emphasize a point and provide credibility through a feeling of confidence. OK?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

More recent Films


Over a weekend scenes from the director’s life are performed. The lead role visits different rooms encountering five actresses who all portray key women in the director’s life. They rehearse the boy to play the lead role in an as yet ‘unmade film’. The dying director watches young boy’s progress as he searches to inhabit the director’s identity.

It is bazaar tale, told unusually and creatively. It took me a day to figure it out after having seen the film. It is great to see something that does not follow the usual formula and the plot is cool. Just not sure how good the execution and the acting where. Was the lead character just acting badly or phenomenally well?

Overall it was enlightening to be introduced to the approach and the film

Puffy Chair

A sophisticate scrip which expert observation of people and relationships, underlaided by some real family loving acts and kindness. We can all relate.

From the start you worry about the relationship which seems to be clearly headed for trouble. It is not clear why they are really together and this is explored by the characters as they travel to take the chair to their father for his birthday. In the end the chair doesn't matter as so many things don't and what we all know in the first 5 minutes they know by the end.

This really well written, filmed and acted. Just a great ever day story told.

Monkey Warfare

We have all felt angry, and we have all wanted to blow the world up to create change when we where young from time to time. When something seems so wrong.

The story is of 2 maturing rebells and a youth, a story of middle age, of settling, of acceptance and the struggle against it. Youth teaches the old, or reminds the old.

In the end the pointlessness is understood

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Recent Movies from the film festival

Bunny Chow
  • 4 friends (practicing comedians) hang out in Jo berg, perform the thing, attend a rock concert.
  • very nicely written, with some real surreal touches
  • Funny moments - The bar owner and his wife, buying drugs on the street, the pool party, the car trip in the old merc.
Expiration date
  • the story - the main characters are preoccupied by imminent death, by milk cart or by cancer. The usual understanding and misunderstanding and happy ending
  • who knew dairy products delivery could be this dangerous
  • the story takes a little while to get going but it is nicely written
  • Moments to remember - the coffee shop and coffee making, the mother - "are you naked", the flower shop

  • A movie about superheroes
  • Set in the world of comic book nerds and office jobs. One day his wish comes true when he discovers that obnoxious office jock has REAL super-powers. ‘With power comes responsibility’ never rang so true. Sweet, funny and at times scary, Sidekick surpasses many of its adversaries made with ten times the budget. It is fun and thoughtful.
  • While the plot is great and overall the film works, the acting and the script do need work. Looked at more closely.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

These are cool

This is very cool (or at least it has kept me amused for hours)

This one also in an feng shui kind of way..... Misty line is my favourate

This is a neat idea also... (very imaginative)

Another rock in the backpack on this project

heard this term today. Liked it, would like to us it ...........

Australia: Observations 3

These include:
  • Government ads on TV - the amount of social engineering that is still taking place is interesting, reminds me of how I imagine England 30 years ago. The usuals like no drinking and driving, but also government policy explanations and health suggestions. I guess this is true everywhere, but it just more so here, with some TV ad breaks being only Government ads.
  • No Starbucks, :-)
  • Full on rainbows where all the colours are obvious, the best rainbows I have ever seen.
  • Use of new terms like, crook, stuffed up and full on.
  • TV ads are often local business based, not so much brands and big multinations. I wond how these big companies split up there ad budgets. Is perth just to small?
  • The number of retailers for home products, furniture stores is amazing. very few chains, lots of small owner stores.
  • The nationalism is huge. WA products, Australia made is such a big thing. There assumption that they are better.
  • The importance of familar things to me is a surprise, the great joy from listening to the radio again (ABC) after not having one for 3 months, the strange and compulsive need for Marmite.
  • The ABC is world class, the Radio, Radio National, Enough Rope.....