Saturday, June 02, 2007

Australia: Toilet Rolls and other first impressions (part 1)

  • The toilet roles are sturdy, far to good for the single journey they take. The actual paper however seems appropriately designed, but the roll core is robust to say the least. What is behind this? Are children still making their first trains from toilet roles and washing up liquid bottles still? I hope so.
  • The men like there sheds, sheds are everywhere, sheds are a goal, they are advertised in full page ads. Sheds are big, like little houses almost, like caves. What does this say about the family and the social structures?
  • The people are diverse, obviously.
  • Why are the toilets all separate from the bathrooms, you sit in your own little room looking at the door 0.5 metres from your nose. They like there privacy here apparently. Although it is cozy after a while. I can take my laptop in and write blogs......
  • Oh yes the metric system. Its great to see a country actually and completely implementing this. Not even the old coggers use ft and inches. A lesson for others here.
  • The sky is blue, very blue, against the olive green eucalyptus there is beauty on the scape. This colour palette is going to take a while to get used to (hopefully).
  • The Tin roofs or the Clay tiles and the brick built homes. The sense of confidence and security and longevity that that brings is nice. No wood framing here that would be blown down or eaten by white ants (termites).
  • Wine cheaper than beer
  • The cool winds
  • People are friendly, kind of. They seem easily to take offence, perhaps that's just me?
  • The number of small shops everywhere it great.
  • The coffee, better than that french roast that North America likes
  • Its not just the water in the sink that goes the other way the revolving doors go clockwise (or do the clocks go round the other way here to). This is important to remember for obvious reasons
  • Counter meals and paying on the way out. No waiting around for the server to serve.
  • Great local cheeses and wine and beers
  • The Entrepreneurial spirit and optimism about the future is just really great and very catching
  • The Ocean and early morning walks by the ocean. It is rejuvenating to live by the sea again

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