Sunday, June 24, 2007

Privacy policies and respect

Increasingly privacy policies seam to be about explaining how little privacy you will have and giving you no choice if you want to buy the product.

Interesting points of concern:
  • A note that information will not be sold, but will be shared with other vendors from time to time as concerned necessary by the company
  • Requests for non relevant information as required for the transaction
  • requirements that it information is not provided the sales transaction will not be completed

An insurance company requires that its customer information be shared with all subsidiaries
Honda declaring that they will share your information with "various other companies"

Privacy policies should be about respect and choice. Requiring only actually necessary information for the transactions and letting he customer decide how much other information is shared.

Personal Guidelines:

1. Never give out Post Code, Address, Phone number or date of birth
2. Web sites requiring this information will get false information unless it is necessary for the credit card transaction
3. All Web site that automatically enroll you in update emails get cancelled or reported as junk.
4. Actively avoid organisation with poor privac policies when buying
5. Low likihood of buying more from an organisation that have insisted on sharing my information as a condition of the sale
6. Addition information has to be purchased in some reasonable direct way eg 15% discount if...

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