Sunday, June 24, 2007

On pruning Olive trees


1. Pruning happens all the time, you never stop pruning
2. Step back and look at the overall picture, keep the main structure correct and don't worry about the small branches.
3. It is the new growth that flowers and carries the fruit, prune the old wood mostly to allow the new to flurrish
4. Stress the plant to ensure the fruit, but leave it strong enough to carry the fruit
5. Keep balance, look to develop 3 main branches. More at it is to crowded, less it has to little fruit
6. Think about the prevailing wide direction and prune according to encourage the tree into the wind.

Other factors in growth of Olive tree:

1. too much watering and the plant grows quickly and the wood is weak and bends easily so will not support the fruit
2. The tree needs to be free to flex and bend with the weather, this will create string roots

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