Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Toronto short film festival

The best short films are like poems, the are short, concentrated with a single powerful well expressed memorable theme.

The gala performance included:

  1. Sons of war - humour helps in all situations to pass the time and make a situation tolerable
  2. Rain is falling - beautifully shot, conveying the loneliness, poverty and love
  3. Home game - Great comical observation of an everyday task, most of us are familiar with - what a great imagination these guys have
  4. Birthday boy - innocent, sad, renewal, cycle,
  5. Fluent dysphasia - what does happen when you are speaking a different language?
  6. Milk- mother and grand daughter making everyday fun and mysterious, what could get better than that
  7. Ryan - wow this animation is crazy - amazing visuals and nice story


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