Friday, June 24, 2005

Day 1 alberta adventure

Arrived in calgery surprisingly without incident.

In the next 3 hours managered to go to the wrong car rental company and
arrive at the wrong hotel.

The hotel we actually booked turned out to be much better. This is, if I had
planned on being kept awake by the signs from the 24 hour adult video store.
At least thire will be something to eat from the 24 hour Denny's. Tomorrow
off to jasper...

Still did meet a guy who was very excited about a band playing at the
canmore hotel tonite. Apparently "slow nerve action" are from BC and really
great. I would go but for the a rare family responcibility tonite.

Quote for the day:
"Tragedy is when I cut my finger, Comedy is when YOU walk into an open
sewer and die" - mel brooks. Not a big mel brooks fan, but this not bad -
comedy, like so many things has a close cousin - in the case of comedy it is

Calgery has not really impressed so far, sure the people are friendly but
how far can you trust friendly people? Seems like there there is certain
amount of activity in the market town grow up.


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