Tuesday, June 03, 2008

What do you want ?

Bring Sarah Back, I want to bring Sarah back
There has been a mistake, I want to replace Sarah
Why am I left here while Sarah is gone.
Leaving feelings.

Gone, how can she be gone? I just saw her,
she must be hiding somewhere she can be gone
What is this numbness in my brain?
Why has my brain stopped working?

While I dream of a life well lived, Sarah lived it, a positive wake is left
As she swam, sailed, walked and run, the energy is left on smiles and in the minds.
Children are healed and mysteries explored.
Great and pure and inexplainable joy are here as sadness.

There is no why, no reason, no rhyme, to song, no rules, no karma, no justice, no patterns,
Just time, one second at a time is gone.
What is it? How cruel is this? The edge of existence, why?
Philandering, Phorgetful, Phloundering, Phucking Shit