Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Respect is a word rooted in our internal beliefs about the value of another human being. It is a word to describe the fundamental nature of a relationship between humans.

Goal 1: Showing respect at ALL times. A patient, agendaless respect

Goal 2: Receiving respect at ALL times, Expecting to receive respect at all times. Staying respectful in cases of adversity and stress

Does one receive respect?

Monday, November 24, 2008

Broome reflections

To remember

Big Sky and long flat beach into the Warm warm Indian ocean.
The super friendly and service oriented people
Waiting to long for dinner and getting a couple of free pints
The sky observation lession
The free ride to the airport from the scooter guy
The pearls, the expensive pearls. No deals here

In the end there is really not much to do here, but it is a nice place.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Over the Fence Film festival

Generally a disappointment, but some good movies

Movies included, the good:
  • You Better watch out
  • Shit Happens
Movies, the mildly amusing:
  • Animal Instincts - fighting animals
  • The Long Wooden Tobacconist - Quebec
  • The note - The letter tells and guides the story
  • Edgar and Elizabeth -kind of sweet, not no real ending
  • Silencer
  • Nobody likes a Mime - two mimes meet and one gets revenge on the other
Movies , the not so good:
  • That Cow film
  • Bubbles
  • Bad Timing
  • Peanut butter fish pockets
  • Richard
  • No regrets, No remorse

Heart of Gold Film Fest

Quiet a little surprise

Highlights for me

Cheat Neutral
Validation - everyone needs validation

Very Good

Butterfly Man
Bloody Footy
Estranged - wrong number
Fancy - Umm FANCY!
In the Mood
Big Girl


Fast Spin Fling
Sad Dog

Monday, November 17, 2008


Been Painting the living room.

Painting the board walls is easy, fast and very rewarding. In 15 minutes you can stand back and you have changed the room. The feel and feeling you have in the room is very different.

But after that initial feeling it is not so great. It is obviously missing something. It is not finished.

There are the edges. The edges demand patience and concentration. (Aside: I Don't really like to use masking tape it generally does not stick well and create a complete seal and so when the tape is removed if edge is always fuzzy. I like the old fashioned approach of painting the line)

In order to get the edge straight and clear you need to be up close and use skills and techniques learned from previous painting experiences. However you also need to stand back regularly and ensure that the line is straight, you need to get some perspective to ensure the line has not strayed from the line needed.

It occurs to me that this is not unlike running a business. You need to get into the detail because it is in the attention of the little things that success is found. However the detail without knowing the line of travel can be misleading. Time and time again the businesses I see do not get this.

Another thought, 1 day later I am examining the wall, overall it looks great, but as I get closer I notice some fluff off the paint brush and the occasional rough patch. This reminds me that when i was painting the wall I realize what a poor job the last paint job was. Look close enough at anything and you can see the problems. Even the wall begins to seems dented and not square.

Stand back, enjoy beauty of what you have created.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Today's Wonders

Watching a train enter a tunnel. There is something inevitable and smooth about the train seemlessly disappearing.

HQF - High Quality Foam on the morning coffee. Soft and firm and ceamy. Yummy.

Friday, November 14, 2008

What time is it at the South Pole?


Seems odd, perhaps there are only 2 times, winter and summer

Sunday, November 09, 2008


OK I guess I basically have some understanding of the concepts of evolution and it generally makes good sense, but when I think about something specific, it is more difficult to understand. Flight, for example, how did flight start? Lots of theories are around, most seem to be simply that theories based on the possible, with little evidence.

Flights seems like such a binary thing. Either the bird can or cannot fly. How do you go from arms to wings or even gills to wings, in the case of insects?

There is evidence about adaptions once flight has been achieved and it is easy to image how selection improvements might improve flight.

There are plenty of theories about what happened and why it happened. But how did it happen really? What is the process by which a gill becomes a wing. It would seem to be a multi- generational set of changes that are more that random genetic variation. What forces where at work? What are the intermediate stages. It occurs to me that for Evolution to be successful all the variations that ultimately lead to flight must also be beneficial in their own wright. That is if, say full flight is 10 generations from gills in a insect. Each of these generations must have been at least moderately successful. Successful enough to be able to ensure survival to the next generation.

Can it really be that animals descending of trees developed gliding and ultimately wings? Fossel records seem currently to be missing the transitional species that would provide the clue to the path taken to flight. Why are these transitional species missing? Is is because in fact fossel records are extremely incomplete? Is if that these transitional species existed for only a short time?

More I think about this the more mystifying it appears to be. Evolution must certainly be a complex and amazing process.


Thursday, November 06, 2008

Release me

I am the wilderness locked in a cage
I am a growing force you kept in place
I am a tree reaching for the sun
Please don't hold me down
Please don't hold me down

I am a rolling wave without the motion
A glass of water longing for the ocean
I am an asphalt flower breaking free but you keep stopping me
Release me
Release me

I am the rain that's coming down on you
That you shielded yourself from with a roof
I am the fire burning desperately but you're controlling me
Release me
Release me

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Memories or Melbourne

  • Pha Lap and other legends
  • The whole town dressed up and partying for the week
  • The Melbourne Cup
  • MCG and MCC
  • The Mornington Coast
  • The Ridge and Tgallant and Ten Minutes by Tractor
  • Victoria and South Markets
  • Jan, friendly and direct and Imaging Philip Island
  • Disappearing in the Dendenong Ranges. Rhododendrons and Broad Mountain Vistas from Yering station winery

Monday, October 20, 2008

Ganhi on Happiness

"Happiness is when what you say, what you think, and what you do are in perfect harmony." -Gandhi

Sunday, October 19, 2008


“A leader has the right to be beaten, but never the right to be surprised”

– Napoleon Bonaparte.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The human condition

Alternating Bored and Scared and sometimes both.......

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What do we value

Do we value art oddly?

We appear to:
  • Old over the new
  • Dead over living
  • Technical proficiency over passion

Art is expression of emotion, why have we imposed these values? Do we need to do this to help us know how to react?

Friday, October 10, 2008



A philosophical movement of the 19th and 20th centuries stressing individual freedom and human choice;

Existentialism is based on the idea that human beings shape their own existence and give meaning to it through their own choices and actions.

French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980).

Thursday, September 25, 2008


What is the collective noun for a group of Narcissists.

A Flock - No
A Herd - No
A Murder - Maybe
A Management team - that seems to fit. Appropraitely oxymoronic
An abandonment
A Mug, Suggested on http://www.ojohaven.com/collectives/)
An Inflation?
An Asylum?


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Culture vs legislation

The new privacy legislation

Companies widly ignoring or not understanding it.

eg eatingwa required to capture personal information by a sponser that is breaking privacy rules (with no disclosures etc)

What do YOU do when faced with this prospect?

People and Culture

When the project team wanted to implement new electronic communication in police cars they wondered about how to do this across the state.

They figured out that police are really good at reacting to a critical situations and not so good at planning and organising and preparing.

They decided that implementation teams would arrive unannouced and immediately require compliance and implementation from each police station. The result was that police team worked within their normal operating envirnment

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


When you lend money you want to know will the person pay it back.

You have to assume things during this process. What is it ok to assume?

Is it ok to assume there current salary will continue?
Is it ok to assume house prices will rise?
Is it ok to take into account illegal earning?
Is it ok to take thier word for it?

Fundimentally I think that as with life you should start with principles. What are your Principles? Then follows process and action.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Does comparison make us happy?
Do we need to be able to compare ourselves to be happy?

Compared to others,
Compared to ourselves 5 years ago........

I hope not but perhaps there are no absolutes, perhaps we cannot be good at tennis without implicitly being better than others.

But then is we have a sense of humour that means we make people laugh, does that imply that others are not funny? What about if we are kind to someone, is that only kind because other have not been. Does kindness only exist next to rudeness or can kindness relate to taking time to think and act with regard to anothers needs.


Thursday, September 18, 2008


Why are we so accepting of our own failing while being so hard on others?

Why do we work so hard to look for the negatives and even figure out ways to turn positives to negatives?

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Self-pity is easily the most destructive of the non-pharmaceutical narcotics; it is addictive, gives momentary pleasure and separates the victim from reality.

-John W. Gardner

Nurture your minds with great thoughts. To believe in the heroic makes heroes.

-Benjamin Disraeli

Short films on July 5

The end of a relationship… a car accident ends it all

Train spotters, strange religious cults, and the apocalypse come together in this
Queensland produced comedy.

A chance meeting in a video store, a shared movie, and a very, very odd date.

A moving short about loneliness, belonging,and sorrow.

Dazz is a DJ, but sometimes the best laid
plans can slowly unwind…

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

What do you want ?

Bring Sarah Back, I want to bring Sarah back
There has been a mistake, I want to replace Sarah
Why am I left here while Sarah is gone.
Leaving feelings.

Gone, how can she be gone? I just saw her,
she must be hiding somewhere she can be gone
What is this numbness in my brain?
Why has my brain stopped working?

While I dream of a life well lived, Sarah lived it, a positive wake is left
As she swam, sailed, walked and run, the energy is left on smiles and in the minds.
Children are healed and mysteries explored.
Great and pure and inexplainable joy are here as sadness.

There is no why, no reason, no rhyme, to song, no rules, no karma, no justice, no patterns,
Just time, one second at a time is gone.
What is it? How cruel is this? The edge of existence, why?
Philandering, Phorgetful, Phloundering, Phucking Shit

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Your wave bob

The art and act of giving.

A gift is best when it has value to the giver or it took something away from the giver, perhaps it took time.

Gifting something you don't want is ok, but it is more like directed disposal.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Greave, Prey, Hope or Shop

What to do when something bad happens?

"Our enormously productive economy… demands that we make consumption our way of life, that we convert the buying and use of goods into rituals, that we seek our spiritual satisfaction, our ego satisfaction, in consumption… We need things consumed, burned up, worn out, replaced, and discarded at an ever increasing rate."

- Victor Lebow, 1955


Louise Bourgeois

At the Tate modern.

She Certain knows how to torment. She seems to examined and obsessed about her life and the people in it. THe particular hate is directed at her father. All in all an interesting experience. I need a drink.


Saturday, January 26, 2008

Australia Impressions 6: Fake Competitions

This is totally insulting and robbery. I don't know who does this but this is really bad.

  • For $5 you can will $10,000 by telling them by SMS which ocean is next to WA, A or B.
  • A personal fortune cookie for only $9
  • Sign up for X for $5 sign up plus $4 per day.....

This is totally immoral and should somehow be illegal.